This recipe takes a long time (a touch over an hour). It only uses one dish, but you do need foil.

Lay out two foil pieces. Get a large bowl. Break two eggs in it. Add 1/2 cup flour, then a lot of spices (err light since you can add more). Stir (with a fork, spoon or chopsticks) until it's a gooey yellow mess, then taste. If it tastes more like seasoning than flour, it's ready. Add cut-up protein and smush it around until it's a sticky, but not thin, mess.

Put it half and half on the foil pieces. Dump diced potatos on top to preference/fit. Oven at 450F for an hour or so.

You can add whatever else at whatever stage. I put turkey stuffing on mine. If you don't want it to bake, add it toward the end.

Image semi related, it's sort of like what you get, exceh2t instead of bread it's inedible metal.